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Executive Coaching

(215) 885-8045

The corporate landscape has changed. In the past, executives were able to obtain knowledge and support from their supervisors. Today, we often must look outside the organization for direction because senior executives often lack the time and/or skills to coach and mentor subordinates.

Today's leaders need to use a variety of leadership and relational styles. Ability to use various styles improves performance and enhances relationships. I work with individuals to deepen awareness of vital traits that are required to move ahead in today's business world. Executives, managers and supervisors learn how to identify and improve leadership gaps - and then create strategies to close them.


Your effectiveness as an executive and a leader is inextricably tied to your ability to direct and motivate your team.

We're Here to Help

AGMA's coaching process provides comprehensive guidance for people working on their leadership skills. Connect with us if you're seeking guidance with...

Confidential Help Getting Started

Group Coaching

Specific Guidance for One Person

Executive Coaching as part of a larger Learning and Development Initiative

Success Comes when we Take Action

AGMA Executive Coaching specializes in helping people learn. I work with individuals from all levels in an organization. I help people transform from employee to leader; from mentee to mentor.


I provide the guidance and support needed by offering customized executive coaching and career management services for individuals as well as corporate sponsored senior management. With an in-depth human resources and business management background, I have the experience to show clients how to develop answers to the major questions and concerns of today's executives. Through personalized consultation, discussion, and hands-on training, I help executives acquire and apply effective skills. I provide the intervention and executive coaching needed for each executive, seasoned or new.

Customized Executive Coaching Programs Helps Clients

  • Transition effectively into new roles

  • Learn new skills

  • Enhance interpersonal behavior

  • Explore and eliminate or minimize weaknesses

  • Identify and capitalize on talents

  • Take ownership of initiatives

  • Implement change management

  • Identify future goals and determine a clear plan for achievement

  • Increase motivation and productivity

  • Improve team building skills

  • Facilitate meetings and discussions

  • Create loyalty among peers

  • Gain respect and praise from superiors

  • Make effective business decisions

I utilize all Current Assessment Measures including

  • Personality assessments such as Myers Briggs, and DiSC

  • Emotional Intelligence such as the Bar-On Eqi

  • Leadership assessment tools such as 360 Assessments

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